The lure of an online shopping cart is often impossible to ignore. While online shopping is entertaining and useful, in extreme cases, it can turn into an addiction that leaves you with overwhelming debt.
There is light at the end of the tunnel, though! You can recover from an online shopping addiction and regain financial freedom. See our tried-and-true guide to understanding the cause and how to overcome an online shopping addiction.
Understanding Online Shopping Addictions
An online shopping addiction is the impulsive and excessive behavior of making purchases online. Many times, it’s hard to control and can lead to debt as well as emotional stress and relationship issues. This is more serious than just making the occasional impulse buy; it’s a constant and daily issue.
Causes of Online Shopping Addictions
Online shopping addictions can be triggered by many different factors, like:
- Stress
- Boredom
- Emotional distress (grief, frustration, anger, etc.)
- Susceptibility to marketing tactics
The convenience and accessibility of online shopping make it very easy to fall prey to addiction and add even more items to your virtual cart.
We can help you learn how to overcome this addiction and financially recover at Debt Reduction Services.
The Effects of Online Shopping Addiction
Online shopping can drastically affect your short-term wallet and your long-term savings. From a financial standpoint, shopping addiction leads to:
- Accumulating debt (particularly credit card debt)
- A high debt-to-income ratio
- Risk of defaulting on payments
- A lowered credit score
The negative effects expand far beyond your bank account. An online shopping addiction can harm:
- Personal relationships as you put financial strain on people you love
- Mental health as you feel guilty and struggle to fight the addiction
- Self-Esteem as you regret impulsive purchases
These effects can seem overwhelming, but there is hope.
How to Control and Overcome Online Shopping Addiction
Learning to overcome the impulse to buy online takes time and practice, but there’s no better time to get started than now.
1. Set Shopping Limits
Set a strict weekly or monthly budget and don’t let yourself overspend. We can help you set up helpful budgeting plans.
2. Only Use Cash
When you can only shop with cash, sticking to a budget and avoiding online purchases is easier.
3. Try a Waiting Period
When you want to buy something, wait 24 to 48 hours first. If you still want it after that time, then it means it’s a real want and not just an impulse.
4. Block Temptations
Hide shopping apps on your phone so you don’t see them within your main apps. Use browser extensions to block shopping sites, too.
5. Replace the Habit
When you feel the urge to shop, instead try baking, reading, exercising, or another hobby to distract you.
6. Disable Saved Payment Methods
Many websites will save payment info, making it easy to press “purchase.”
7. Unsubscribe
Unsubscribe to emails and texts so you won’t receive deal alerts or marketing emails.
8. Keep Records
Write in a journal every time you make a purchase. Review the record every week to see how much money you spend on unnecessary items.
9. Be Accountable to a Friend
Ask a friend or family member to help you. They can help you make sure you stick to your goals.
10. Limit Online Time
Set timers so you are online less. This will help you avoid the temptation of shopping.
If you still feel overwhelmed by your shopping habits, contact us at Debt Reduction Services and we’ll help you on the road to debt recovery with our credit counseling services.
Take Control of Your Finances with Debt Reduction Services
Don’t postpone financial freedom! Take the steps today to learn how to stop impulse buying online and emerge debt-free. Consider using Debt Reduction Services. We can help you explore debt management strategies for parents or single adults and find which ones work best for your situation.
Get started and call us today at 866-688-3328 for immediate assistance. Or explore our structured debt management options online. Get started overcoming your online shopping addiction today!